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P-Line Floroclear

Floroclear is another addition to P-Line's family of premium lines. With P-Line Floroclear's flourocarbon coating the line is virtually invisible once it enters the water. This gives anglers the advantage of a more stealthy presentation, which will guarantee more strikes and hookups. With a special silicone treatment, Floroclear has reduced memory and increased castability. From small finesse baits for bass to huge plugs for stripers in the surf, this line just plain casts.

This combination of the copolymer core and a flourocarbon outer layer, an angler have the benefit of both worlds. The P-Line Floroclear can be used for both spinning and baitcasting gear when a delicate presentation is key and in need for quite a strong line that won't break. The best thing about this line, especially with the light line, is the flourocarbon coating which make this line virtually invisible. This line is great for clear water conditions.


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